Wednesday, January 26, 2005

17 Pounds of Fat

I examined myself in the mirror this morning and I grimaced at what I saw. My arms looked abnormally big compared to the rest of me! I am at my heaviest at 130 lbs. Oh oh! I gained 17 lbs in the last year. What in the world have I been eating?

I plan to lose weight before May. I want to look my best when my daughter gets married. But at the rate I'm going, I'd probably gain more pounds sitting on my big fat arse. Sonamagan!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2005


The holidays went by so quickly. I didn't even have the chance to experience it. Or was I just oblivious of my surroundings? Christmas had become too commercialized, it's just not the same anymore. I expect this year to be better but I am starting on the wrong foot. I still cannot get my act together. All I want to do is stay at home and be lazy. I guess if this continues for 6 more months, we'd be out on the streets. Bejesus!



My sister in law is still here visiting. She's well loved by a lot of people because she is funny, witty, adorable and lovable. Sometimes, I wish I had her qualities. Even my daughters adore her. She's leaving on the 29th. I'd miss her!

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