Monday, February 23, 2009

Sex and Religion in Manila

Explore: Sex and Religion in Manila.

The Philippines is one of two countries in Asia and the Asia-Pacific region with Roman Catholic majorities. About 90% of Filipinos identify themselves as Christians (Christian denominations and spin-offs included). Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is the 11th most populous metropolitan area in the world.

In a devoutly Catholic country, There is a move to introduce a reproductive health bill aiming to get everyone free access to contraception especially targeting the poor. According to the authors of this bill, this is the next best thing to control population explosion resulting in widespread poverty and government corruption. However, the Catholic Church (including the fanatics) fear(s) that a breakdown in Filipino family values will be imminent if a bill such as this passes. They have been resisting the move and have been fighting tooth and nail against this.

They say that population grows fastest in the world's poorest countries. Because of overpopulation, there would most likely be a lack of basic needs. The lack of adequate food, water, shelter, clothing, and education are basic needs of people. When a Country could not meet these needs it results in physical weakness and poor health which decreases ones ability to work and ultimately put people deeper into poverty. Poverty is a condition of chronic deprivation and reduces human beings to a low level of existence. This cycle will go on and on until corrected.

While this may not be the ultimate solution to alleviate poverty (or the many problems besieging the country), controlling population explosion may be a first step in combating poverty.

BTW, See this video and catch a glimpse of some bigotry and prejudice, religious hypocrisy and stupidity in the mindset of some as a result of strict Catholic teachings.





Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Is Winter Over yet?

Here I am complaining about our winter here in the desert.
"Alas! Is winter over yet?!? Is winter over yet?" I kept on whining. Christine said, "Gees, Mom! What are you complaining about, we don't even have snow!" I reminded her that we did have that 1 day of 3 inches of snow back in December. She laughed and said that was actually a welcome change for a day.
...Then I thought of people living in New York, Minnessota, Chicago, Maine - to name a few. Whew! They have been getting their butts kicked. I wonder how many poeple have winter depression this year?

Groundhog Day - Oh crap! That oversized rodent in Punxsutawney named Phil said it will be 6 more weeks of winter. According to German superstition, if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2 -- the Christian holiday of Candlemas -- winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow was seen, legend said spring would come early. Since 1887, Phil has seen his shadow 97 times, hasn't seen it 15 times, and there are no records for nine years, according to the club. Well now...who do we consult next? I am just about ready to give up asking Gandalf. The Hobbits are no help either. They've been dancing non stop since the Winter Solstice.

So for now, Let's all stay warm with a pellet stove, a fireplace, a heater or a blankie! I can't wait till Spring.

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