Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Acording to Wikepedia, "Jesus Camp is a documentary about the "Kids On Fire School of Ministry," a charismatic-oriented summer camp located just outside Devils Lake, North Dakota and run by Becky Fischer and her ministry, Kids in Ministry International. The film focuses on three children who attended the camp in the summer of 2005--Levi, Rachael, and Tory (Victoria). The film cuts between footage of the camp and a children's prayer conference held just prior to the camp at Christ Triumphant Church in Lee's Summit, Missouri; a suburb of Kansas City (where Fischer is ordained)."

This film made my hair stand! These children are being abused, intellectually immobilized, indoctrinated by a bunch of hypocritical, irrational, idiotic adults and turn them into puppets and religious stupid zealots before they can even think for themselves. It is frightening, at the same time infuriating.

If this is what Christians teach their children, we should be wary of our own children's future. A growing number of religious zealots will further proliferate this world and turn this planet into a world of catatonic, religious imbeciles.



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